Three separate police drug raids in Indian River led to the arrest of four men. The raid began after officers began detailing a vehicle occupied by two of the men. Police say the men acted nervous, prompting the officers to follow the car and conduct a traffic stop.
Deputies searched the car and found drugs and firearms, including a .32 caliber P-32 pistol, a 9mm Ruger pistol, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Both men have extensive criminal histories. One man was released from prison earlier this year.
Arrests like this happen every day in the Indian River, yet far too often, police violate the rights of countless individuals who may not be guilty of the crime they are facing. Could this apply to your situation? Contact an Indian River criminal lawyer if you suspect rights’ violations.
You should also reach out to an Indian River criminal lawyer to protect you during this time. Florida criminal judges are never lenient on those convicted of drug crimes. Depending on the exact type of drug charge you face, a conviction could mean years of your life spent behind bars.
Our Indian River drug arrest lawyer has successfully defended clients charged with drug crimes for many tears and can do the same for you. We never judge you based on the charge but instead, evaluate the facts of each case. Our goal is to ensure a fair hearing in court with the best possible aftermath in the case.
An Indian River drug arrest lawyer defends his client in court, ensuring that he or she has a proper defense and chance to have evidence and testimony presented where necessary. Lawyers attempt to get the charges tossed out of court but when that is not possible, they can reduce the consequences their client receives in the event of a conviction.
The day following the arrest of the aforementioned four men, police arrested one man after a traffic stop, charging him with two counts of possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia after he was stopped by police for a minor traffic violation. A third drug arrest came a few days later. This man had active warrants and after complaints of chemical odors coming from a neighborhood home, was finally arrested on those charges.
If you or someone you know have been in a similar legal situation contact Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq., & Associates, LLC at (772) 489-8501.