Some people play the lottery their entire lives and never win anything while other people apparently win all the time. Police caught a St. Lucie man with a whole bunch of crack cocaine in his possession along with over $9,000 cash. The amount of cocaine in his possession along with the huge cash stash indicated that perhaps he had the intent to sell the cocaine. The assailant denied any such a thing, however, and said that he got all his money by “playing the lottery.” Millions of people all over the world wish they had this fellow’s mojo at Powerball time.
Investigators went to the defendant’s house with a search warrant after they received some incriminating information. They found 70 rocks of cocaine as well as some marijuana and a scale. Before they found the cocaine, they had to chase the assailant after he took off running and hid behind a nearby dog kennel. He proceeded to lay on top of the cocaine to try to hide it, but his plan didn’t work. He is going to need a Saint Lucie drug defense attorney to try to get him out of trouble. He denied that the crack cocaine belonged to him, but the authorities wondered how it got under his behind if it did not belong to him.
The policed charged the defendant with resisting arrest without violence, possession of marijuana and possession of crack cocaine with intent to sell. A friend of his was also caught with drugs and charged with possession as well as intent to sell. Both men were placed in a St. Lucie jail and charged bail. The only way that these two people have a fighting chance is if they contact a reliable attorney.
If you or someone you know has been in a similar legal situation, contact Fort Pierce criminal lawyer Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq., & Associates, LLC at 772-489-8501. Mr. Kirschner specializes in drug cases for people in the St. Lucie area. People easily refer to this firm as the best in the area. The attorney has the statistics, tenure and dedication level to keep these persons from behind bars so that they can be productive members of society. You or your loved one can call the office and arrange a consultation to discuss some of the methods that the Saint Lucie drug defense attorney can use to help you.