Port St Lucie Child Port Criminal Defense Lawyer Jonathan Jay Kirschner reports Port St. Lucie Man, 18, Charged with Possessing, Transmitting Child Porn A young man from the Port St. Lucie area of Florida was recently arrested after police obtained a warrant. He was charged with possession of child pornography and also of transmitting the material, according to the arrest affidavit.
The suspect, who is only 18 years of age, resides at the 800 block of Starflower Avenue. He was charged with as many as 20 counts of possession of child pornography and five counts of transmission of child porn, according to the police’s records.
After the man was arrested, his bail was revoked by a bondsman for a separate case involving possession of no more than 20 grams of marijuana. The young man was then held in the St. Lucie County Jail, where he remained. The police’s records showed that he was there in lieu of $125,750.
The police were informed and began their investigation after Dropbox became aware of the child pornography content. The company then contacted the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and reported that child pornography had been updated to its servers, according to the affidavit the police from Port St. Lucie used in order to obtain their arrest warrant.
While the police conducted their investigation, they were able to get multiple search warrants and subpoenas so that they could get more information not only from Dropbox but from Google, Comcast and Twitter as well, according to the arrest affidavit.
The police subsequently submitted their warrant affidavit to a judge, who promptly signed it so they could arrest the young man on the child pornography charges.
There are many serious criminal charges a person can face. However, child pornography charges are definitely among the most serious due to their heinous nature and carry some of the harshest penalties that can stay with you for the rest of your life. If you are arrested on child pornography charges, it is absolutely essential that you get in touch with a Port St Lucie Child Porn Criminal Defense Lawyer criminal familiar with these crimes immediately. If you are in the Port St. Lucie area or anywhere else in the state of Florida, contact Port St Lucie Child Porn Criminal Defense Lawyer Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq. and Associates at your earliest convenience at (772) 489-8501. You will be able to discuss your case with a skilled lawyer who can start to build you a strong defense.