Port Saint Lucie DUI Defense Lawyer
A motorist involved in a traffic collision in Port Saint Lucie County was found to be carrying with him what he described as “fake” urine. Although he was not charged criminally for possessing a fake bodily fluid, the driver will face the charge of driving while under the influence (DUI) resulting in property damage. He and others in the same or similar situation will require the services of a Port Saint Lucie DUI defense lawyer if they have any hope of avoiding hefty fines and other penalties. They can find this type of help from the law firm of Jonathan Jay Kirschner & Associates.
The recent wreck occurred as the 29-year-old motorist was turning onto southbound Kings Highway. After an apparent loss of control, his vehicle slammed into the trailer section of a parked big rig. Taken to a hospital, he showed signs of intoxication, which led to the criminal charges. In the suspect’s vehicle, St. Lucie County Sheriff’s deputies found a bag that smelled or marijuana and reportedly contained the faux urine.
The suspect’s wife said her husband had been required to take a drug test that was related to his employment. Significantly, the testing of urine can be used to detect drugs in a the human body. However, the suspect himself claimed that the fake bodily fluid had been used in couple’s “role” playing. However, he refused to provide a sample or real urine and also declined further medical attention.
Florida is known for its harsh treatment of DUI offenders. A first-time conviction can result in up to six months behind bars and a fine of up to $1,000. The penalty will be greater if the driver’s blood alcohol level was above 0.15 percent, if the motorist was carrying a minor or if the intoxication resulted in a crash. Subsequent convictions can result in much stiffer penalties. Fortunately, there are a number of defenses that can be used to lessen the criminal sanctions or even lead to a dismissal of the charges.
Port Saint Lucie Criminal Defense Lawyer
Motorists who face DUI charges should consider seeking the services of a Port Saint Lucie criminal defense lawyer. They should specifically consider contacting the law firm of Jonathan Jay Kirschner & Associates at 772-489-8501.