Finding the Right Criminal Lawyer in Fort Pierce
Recently, a male gas station clerk in the town of Fort Pierce was fired from his job and arrested when it was revealed that he had stolen a winning lottery ticket from a customer.
The ‘customer’ turned out to be an undercover informant working for the Florida Lottery. He attempted to cash in a winning ticket worth $2,000, but the clerk told him the ticket wasn’t a winner. He was later arrested on grand theft charges when the winning ticket was found in his possession.
Perhaps the young man saw only the opportunity to “get rich quick”, while ignoring the serious consequences for grand theft. It can result in enormous fines and even years of prison time, especially for those who already have a criminal record. This man is clearly going to need the expertise that only a Fort Pierce Grand Theft Attorney like Jonathan Jay Kirschner and Associates can provide.
They’ve got the knowledge and the legal background to fight for you, even if your situation seems as dire as this young gas station clerk’s. Fort Pierce Grand Theft Attorney Jonathan Jay Kirschner and Associates have effectively handled and taken countless cases just like this one to trial and has protected the citizens of Fort Pierce against unwarranted government intrusions into their lives and attempts to destroy reputations, characters, and lives.
Don’t Leave Your Legal Situation Up to Chance
With ever-changing and overly-complex legal codes in the state of Florida, anybody who finds themselves faced with a charge of Grand Theft needs the services of an attorney with an extreme level of expertise in the laws regarding this crime.
There’s no time to waste when you find yourself charged with grand theft or a similar crime.
If you or someone you know has found themselves in a troublesome legal situation like the one we’ve discussed here today, you owe it to yourself to contact Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq., and Associates, LLC online or at (772) 489-8501.