A very different type of drug possession case has surfaced in the Treasure Coast area of Florida this January.
In an article by TCPalm, reports of the attempted sale of more than 400 packages of male enhancement drugs has led to the arrest of 14 Florida residents. The residents are being charged in violation of several Florida State laws. Charges include the unlawful sale of prescription drugs and unlawfully operating as a pharmacy in the months between September and December of 2015.
Drug possession criminal lawyers are specialized in this field that seems to be growing by the day. Jonathan Jay Kirschner is an example of a Treasure Coast criminal lawyer who specializes in the field of prescription drug fraud. According to his firm’s website, most prescription drug fraud cases are based around Ch.893.13(7(a)8.,Fla. Stat.(2007), a section of Florida statute that criminalizes seeking to obtain prescription drugs (like the active ingredient in male enhancement drugs) by deception of a physician.
Kirschner believes that many people charged with such crimes are charged unfairly because they do not always know that they even committed a crime. He represents doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals as well as regular people who have been charged with violations of Florida law in the area of prescription drug fraud.
It comes as no surprise that a case like the one in Treasure Coast raises a lot of ethical questions about loopholes in laws related to the abuse of prescription drugs. On the one hand, the Florida residents clearly obtained a controlled substance in some illegal way. However, it must be noted that the sheer amount of the prescription drug in question is enough to suspect that there was involvement from some form of medical professional. Is it possible that the 14 residents arrested were uneducated on the active ingredient of the male enhancement pills or unaware that they are a controlled substance? The criminal offenses, some of which result in felonies in the state of Florida, apply even to individuals who commit the crime unknowingly.
While it is certainly clear that the case raises many eyebrows, it will be interesting to see what is uncovered in the months leading up to a trial. Drug possession criminal lawyers in the Treasure Coast area will certainly seek out answers to the questions surrounding this unusual situation. Meanwhile, residents and families involved with the case will certainly seek solace in the knowledge that specialists like Jonathan Jay Kirschner and other such drug possession criminal lawyers will be working steadfast to provide us all with answers.