A trio of offenders is facing homicide charges after authorities say that they murdered an individual over a drug dispute. The individuals may each have their own Port Saint Lucie homicide lawyer as they prepare their defense against the charges. They must work with their Port Saint Lucie criminal lawyer in order to defend against allegations that they premeditated the murder and conspired to carry it out.
The police say that three individuals conspired to commit the murder. The police say that the alleged offenders accused the victim of robbing one of them in a drug deal gone wrong. They say that they wanted revenge. Police say that the offenders accuse the victim of setting up the drug deal through a dating site. They say that the victim allegedly robbed one of the attackers instead of completing the drug transaction.
Authorities say that the trio of attackers drove to the apartment complex. One of the offenders waited in the hallway while the other allegedly shot the victim at point blank range. They accuse the shooter of firing additional shots after the victim fell to the ground. Police say that the individuals then left in a vehicle and threw the murder weapon into a canal. Authorities say that they used surveillance video in order to identify the attackers.
First-degree murder is a capital offense in Florida. A person who receives a conviction for first-degree, premeditated murder in Florida may receive the death penalty. They may also receive life in prison. A first-degree homicide conviction almost certainly results in a life-changing prison sentence, and it can even result in the death penalty. A person who faces homicide charges should do everything that they can in order to present their defenses.
A person charged with first-degree murder has the right to Port Saint Lucie homicide lawyer representation. A first-degree murder criminal lawyer can represent the accused party at all proceedings including the arraignment, bond hearings and preliminary hearings. Even if the police say that the case is open and shut, it may not be as simple as the police claim.
Port Saint Lucie Homicide Lawyer
It’s important to work with an experienced Port Saint Lucie criminal lawyer in order to prepare a strong defense. Handling each stage of the case aggressively and working hard to build the case through investigation and preliminary motions can help a person accused of murder have the confidence to know that they’re doing everything available to them to fight the charges. If you or someone you know have been in a similar legal situation contact Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq., & Associates, LLC at (772) 489-8501.