The conflict between two teenage girls over a series of text messages led to a fight between them and the subsequent arrest of 52-year-old mother of one of the girls by Port St. Lucie police on April 6.
The mother allegedly admitted to police that she drove her 15-year-old daughter to Sportsman’s Park on April 2 to fight the other girl. As a result of this reported confession, police filed charges against her for child abuse, disorderly conduct and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Just two days before, police said that the 16-year-old girl had sent the womans daughter some unsolicited text messages. After contacting police, they left a phone message with the girl and her parents and told her to stop texting the younger Salerno.
The woman was contacted by police on each of the next two days and she told them that the text messages had stopped. However, on April 2, her daughter discovered that the girl had shown a video to classmates in which the girl used a derogatory term to describe the daughter.
The plan to meet at the park followed, with the woman reportedly driving her daughter there. Video footage taken by someone else shows her encouraging the daughter to fight.
The woman’s legal problems require the finding of a Port St. Lucie criminal lawyer like Jonathan Jay Kirschner to fight such charges. Kirschner has been providing legal assistance for his clients for more than three decades. During that time, he’s been able to successfully defend a number of them from unwarranted charges.
Kirschner knows that amid an avalanche of different Florida laws covering all aspects of a person’s behavior, the interpretation of those laws by police can be subject to question. By crafting a strong defense on behalf of his clients and using all the facts before him, he’s able to provide the best possible chance for them to achieve proper justice.
Therefore, if you or someone you know is in need of a Port St. Lucie criminal lawyer that you can implicitly trust, make sure to contact the offices of Jonathan Jay Kirschner. He’s available for a consultation that will listen to the facts presented before him and carefully assess the validity of your claim. From there, he can chart a proper course should he decide to accept your case. Make sure to call him today.