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Fort Pierce Man Arrested for Battery in Dispute over Parking

According to law enforcement authorities with the Fort Pierce Police Department, a 67-year-old man was arrested on March 22 after attending a jazz concert in Fort Pierce. Reportedly, the man became angry when a tow truck driver started towing his car from a private lot, allegedly kicking the driver in the groin.

Officers indicate that the lot had signs stating it was a tow-away zone at the entrance, but due to the concert, there were other signs indicating free parking down the street. Officers said the man could ostensibly have believed the parking lot was some of the free parking designated for the concert. The officer who arrested the man did so after the man was walking away from the tow truck driver. The man is now facing a charge of battery.


As a Fort Pierce battery attorney knows, Florida law provides that a first battery offense is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail (§§ 784.03, 775.082 and 775.083 Fla. Stat. (2014)). Without getting help from a Fort Pierce or Port St. Lucie battery defense attorney, that means that the arrested man could be incarcerated for a lengthy period of time.

The man’s case is illustrative of how important it is to seek the help of a Fort Pierce criminal lawyer. Attorney Jonathan Jay Kirschner firmly believes that everyone deserves a strong and vigorous defense when they are accused of crimes. As a board certified criminal trial lawyer, Mr. Kirschner is experienced with defending against allegations of battery filed against his clients, and he understands that there are always more to a case than the prosecution’s story. He works hard for each client from the initial meeting throughout the case. He has won numerous dismissals and not guilty verdicts on behalf of his clients. If a conviction appears likely in a client’s case, Mr. Kirschner focuses on negotiating a favorable plea, either to a lesser offense or to a non-jail sentence. If you or someone you know have been in a similar legal situation, contact our firm by telephone at (772) 489-8501 or via email at

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