Ezra Ealy, who is a 20 year-old man from Fort Pierce, was arrested on Monday, July 13, 2015. He fired a shotgun and then ran off. He has been charged with possession of firearm by a felon. Ealy has also been charged with possession of a short barrel shotgun. Ealy was spotted on 3100 block...Read More
Drugs seem to sneak into just about every area in the world. Recently, in Port St. Lucie, FL, the police stopped a young man and took him to the police station for booking. The police were prompted to approach the young man because he was walking along at night with a few friends. The activity...Read More
Beginning on Friday, June 5 and spanning the course of approximately 48 hours, two men were arrested in Fort Pierce on firearms charges, an area that was described by the arresting officer as one that is often connected to drug sales and gang activity. In the first incident, a 19-year-old Port St. Lucie man, Christopher...Read More
What started out as a seemingly ordinary traffic stop in the Fort Pierce area of Florida turned into a whole lot more for one local woman. On Wednesday, May 13, 2015, officials from the St. Lucie County sheriff’s office arrested a 32 year old woman who was stopped after suspicions that she was dealing drugs....Read More
In State of Florida vs. C.P., (56-2014- MM-4100- A) the government, in its ‘infinite wisdom’ chose to charge C.P. with Battery, a crime punishable by up to one (1) year in the county jail, one (1) year of probation, and up to a $1,000.00 fine—or some mixture of those three sanctions. The Government elected to...Read More
Man’s best friend. And one of man’s best ‘tools’. The ultra sensitive olfactory abilities of dogs are legendary. But as this example will show, they are not “limitless”. In State v. J.R.J., Indian River County Case No.: 31-2014-CF-765-A, a young citizen was returning from a pizza restaurant late one night, with a fresh, redolent pie...Read More
On Saturday, April 26, a man in St. Lucie was arrested after he committed three thefts. He allegedly stole items from one vehicle and two homes. A homeowner made a phone call on Saturday morning saying that someone stole her purse from her home. Another person reported that a GPS had been stolen from his...Read More
A Port St. Lucie mother of four has been arrested and charged with one count of child abuse following an early morning argument with her thirteen-year-old son on April 20. Port St. Lucie police who responded to the incident have alleged that the mother continued to drive her vehicle approximately 200 feet from the family...Read More
According to law enforcement authorities with the Fort Pierce Police Department, a 67-year-old man was arrested on March 22 after attending a jazz concert in Fort Pierce. Reportedly, the man became angry when a tow truck driver started towing his car from a private lot, allegedly kicking the driver in the groin. Officers indicate that...Read More
Three St. Lucie Men Arrested For Smoking Marijuana With A Minor Three men in Port St. Lucie have been arrested after they were caught smoking marijuana with a 13 year-old girl. Eighteen year-old Andrew Justin Leonardo and 20 year-old Robert Wayne Einnsman were both charged with distribution of marijuana to a minor, contributing to the...Read More